VIP-HESI dual source

Next generation in Mass Spectrometry sensitivity

VIP-HESI is a dual source and includes VIP Heated Electrospray and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) probes standard.

The sensitivity of the system is extremely important in most MS analytical tasks. Heated electrospray helps to increase ion yield. Compared to standard electrospray, the VIP-HESI offers a solid gain in sensitivity for many compounds of interest in the fields of metabolomics and pharmaceutical analysis, environmental analysis, food testing, and forensic drug investigations.

VIP-HESI has proven to be a robust work-horse ion source on Bruker’s TQ product range for almost a decade now.

The latest version of VIP-HESI can be used with all timsTOF, and QTOF series instruments, and is quickly and easily installed. For a wide range of compounds, the VIP-HESI achieves sensitivities that rival those of industry-leading QQQs, while still providing the known benefits of accurate mass values with TIP (True Isotopic Pattern). The VIP-HESI has simple operating parameters combined with efficient active exhaust to allow easiest upgrade from conventional sources.

Target Markets

1. VIP-HESI in Forensics

Ethyl-Glucuronids (EtG and EtS) are markers for alcohol misuse. The VIP-HESI source yields great sensitivity for determination of EtG from blood.

2. VIP-HESI in Food Safety

Extremely sensitive analytical methods are required for accurate low-level identification, and quantitation of zero-tolerance compounds in food. Bruker’s TargetScreener application is boosted more than 10-fold for a representative subset of analytes when used with VIP-HESI instead of regular ESI source. The VIP-HESI achieves a Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) more than 100 times lower than the minimum required performance level (MRPL).

3. VIP HESI in Glycopeptide Determination

Glycosylation is a common critical quality attribute (CQA) of therapeutic proteins and needs to be characterized during product development. Typically, this analysis is conducted after enzymatic release and tagging of the glycans followed by fluorescence and MS detection. A more modern workflow is to identify glycan compositions directly from tryptic peptide maps acquired with the timsTOF Pro and PASEF® in combination with analytical LC and the new VIP-HESI ion source. It employs a glycan search method from peptide mapping data and uses previously identified aglycons as mass tags.

VIP-HESI dual source
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