FPL Chromatography

The flexible protein purification platform.

Design your FPLC system according to your purification task!

Complete solutions for FPLC (Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography) on a small footprint: AZURA® FPLC systems combine flexibility and reliability. The biocompatible/metal-free AZURA® FPLC is the perfect choice for your protein purification task. 

Design your AZURA Bio purification system to your needs. Multiple functionalities such as automatic sample injection via autosampler, column switching, buffer and sample selection as well as fraction collection enable the user to automate the purification process.

A range of different detectors let you keep track of your target molecules. A wide flow rate range and compatibility with columns from all vendors offer maximum flexibility. The intuitive software PurityChrom® combines all the advantages of a versatile purification software.

What is Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC)?

How it works

FPLC is a type of liquid chromatography for the purification of large biomolecules such as proteins or DNA. External factors such as high temperature, high pressure, extreme pH, solvents or certain metals can affect the protein structure and are therefore avoided in FPLC. The column materials used, such as agarose or polymer materials, are also quite sensitive to pressure fluctuations and air bubbles.
Our systems take these requirements into account and can be flexibly configured for your purification challenges!


Ion-Exchange Chromatography

Separation takes place according to the charge of the protein and gradient elution.

Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography

Separation is performed based on hydrophobic interaction and gradient elution.

Size Exclusion Chromatography

Separate according to size

Affinity Chromatography

Specific binding of protein of interest.


Build a custom solution based on your requirements. You tell us your application, and we offer you the right components that match your method parameters!

From simple to complex, from Lab to Pilot scale: Design your AZURA® FPLC system according to your purification task!
AZURA Bio Lab allows you to create FPLC systems with highest independence. Contact us for more details!


Isocratic FPLC System for
Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)

for up to 10 mL/min

Gradient-capable Multi-Method
FPLC System

for up to 50 mL/min

Gradient capable FPLC system for
complex applications

for up to 50 mL/min

AZURA® Bio purification (FPLC)

The complete brochure gives you an excellent overview of protein purification with the flexible AZURA FPLC systems. Get to know the components of the FPLC BioSystems and the different possibilities in detail.
We supply you with systems to meet your purification challenges!

Do you need more details or a quote?

We Can Help

Please send us your request.
We are happy to answer your questions about our products and services.

+30 2310 580765


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