
Electrochemical methods measure the interactions between an electrode and the solution in contact with the electrode. Electrical and chemical transport properties are measured with various methods, which also allow to determine ionic conductivities and to investigate the elementary processes which determine the transport properties.

A wide variety of products to explore…

  • pH-Meters
  • Conductivity Meters
  • Thermometers
  • Multiparameters
  • Pocket Testers
  • Sensors & Electrodes

Make your Life Easier
We Can Help_


Conductivity Meters

A full range of bench and portable equipment

Digital Thermometers

Portable devices to cxontrol temperature in all production sectors


Measurement of pH / mV / Cond / TDS / SAL and temperature in only one instrument


Elegant, ergonomic design & ease of use

pH Meters

Portables or bench-top equipment

Pocket Testers

A wide range of small instrumentation for measuring and controlling physical parameters
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