Automated Single Cell Isolation and Dispensing Technology

Automated Single Cell Isolation and Dispensing Technology

This advanced technology for automated single-cell isolation and dispensing offers precision, adaptability, and speed, making it ideal for a variety of cell biology applications. Designed to achieve 100% single-cell isolation, it ensures high cell viability through gentle acoustic dispensing. The open platform supports a range of substrates, from 96 to 1536 well plates and specialized cellenCHIPs, accommodating virtually any cell or sample type.

The cellenONE® X1 Neo enables efficient single-cell sorting, isolation, and dispensing for cell line development and omics sample preparation, while spheroONE® is optimized for single spheroid, organoid, and cellular aggregate processing. With advanced image-based cell selection and multi-fluorescence sorting, the system can be customized to meet specific research needs, whether in standard laboratory settings or integrated into biosafety cabinets. It isolates 96 single cells in less than 3 minutes, balancing accuracy with speed.

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