Over time, instruments will wear, causing them not to run as smoothly or report results as accurately. Within this, part of the instruments can be replaced with new or refurbished spare parts, preventing downtime and keeping them working effectively.
Target Analysis’ repair services for GCs, HPLCs, mass spectrometers, and other lab instruments include warranty coverage, service agreements, and preventative maintenance. Whether you are seeking instrument repair or scheduling a service call for lab equipment repair.
Our experienced technicians will quickly restore your pump to top performance – regardless of its age. We offer comprehensive on-site support for vacuum components and systems, troubleshooting, maintenance, and repairs.
Target Analysis IQ/OQ/PQ procedures strictly follow good laboratory practices (GLP), which require that all laboratory instrumentation be inspected, cleaned, and maintained. We provide an independent and comprehensive testing service for Mass Spectrometry & Chromatography instruments to help you meet your regulatory and operational requirements and standards.
The philosophy behind our services is that we can support all the scientific instruments that we sell. Our technical department is trained and certified to offer a complete system service across multiple brands and models, including Mass Spectrometers (MS), Liquid Chromatographs (LC), Gas Chromatographs (GC), Autosamplers, Detectors & Peripherals
Remote support provides additional service through remote software to resolve instrument issues before a technician is dispatched. Our remote support team works with you via phone and software to remotely control your system to troubleshoot, repair or assist. This additional level of support allows for faster resolution of issues and ultimately reduces instrument downtime.
Application support is a service provided by our team that gives you a strategy and technique to quickly and confidently develop high-quality methods. You will learn a proven technique that will guide you step-by-step through the process of method development, applying principles that will make the process more efficient. Application support can take the form of a course, training, or development of an analytical method based on your real samples.
Omics technologies adopt a holistic view of the molecules that make up a cell, tissue, or organism. Target Analysis can provide unique solutions for bioinformatics services for proteomics and metabolomics workflows. Based on our experienced team members, we can readily meet the rigorous demands of various fields, such as life sciences, nutrition research, etc.
Customized training solutions from sample preparation to data analysis. Specially designed courses to meet today’s ever-increasing demands for analytical performance, productivity and ease of use!
Target Analysis was founded in 2013 by a team of experienced scientists and engineers.
Through the trust of our customers and partners, Target Analysis has managed to create a team with experienced and trained staff, which undertakes the installation of instruments, staff training, and after-sales support with spare parts, consumables, and certified reference materials. The company’s know-how is constantly expanding and is ready to take on any challenge to solve your analysis issues.
See how our customers are using Target Analysis’ products to transform their research and ultimately make discoveries that help change the way we see the future.
Dynamic light scattering even at high concentration
Error-free particle sizing even at high concentration
Conventional DLS instruments carry the risk that multiply scattered light can lead to incorrect particle size measurements without ever warning you. Especially with concentrated samples, complex sample preparation and dilution are necessary. This is exactly where our NanoLab 3D comes in.
The NanoLab 3D™ is a compact DLS instrument for particle sizing that is based on the groundbreaking and patented Modulated 3D Cross-Correlation technology. It efficiently suppresses multiple light scattering and therefore sample dilution is no longer required for most samples.
Advanced DLS particle sizing: Cumulant and CORENN analysis
DLS microviscometry
Applicable to diluted as well as highly concentrated samples
Small sample volume – down to 4 µL (optional)
Particle sizing from 0.15 nm to 5 µm radius
Temperature range: 4°C to 85°C *
Monitors time-dependent processes
Compact and robust design
Online support for all customers
Conforms to ISO 22412
Modulated 3D cross-correlation DLS (EU Patent)
Hydrodynamic radius
0.15 nm-5μm*
Cuvette sizes
3 x 3 mm, 5 x 5 mm, 10 x 10 mm (optional 1 x 1 mm)
Maximum concentration
40 % w/v*
Sample volume
50 μL —2 mL (optional 4 μL)
Temperature range
4° C to 85° C (+/-0.02 °C)** measured online
Laser class
638 nm
Laser power
120 mW
Scattering angle
Single mode fiber with high performance APD. QE 65 %
Two channel multiple tau, 12.5 ns -1 h, 320 channels
Laser attenuator
System with online incident power measurement
Including Cumulant, CONTIN, CORENN analysis
Laboratory requirements
< 60 % relative humidity and T = 17 to 26 °C
45 x 45 x 30 cm
Approx. 30 kg
Small Volume
Innovative technology in Swiss quality
Expert team, error-free results
Easy usage and clear data processing
Customer care and maintenance
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
Dynamic light scattering is the technology of choice to measure the size of nanoparticles dispersion. Driven by Brownian motion, the particles move within the medium, causing the intensity of scattered light to fluctuate. The statistics of these fluctuations are reflected in the correlation function. Since the size of the particles influences the particle movement and thus the statistics, DLS can extract the particle size distribution from the obtained correlation function.
Can you trust your measurements?
Unlike standard DLS instruments, the NanoLab 3D uses two laser beams which are modulated at very high frequency. The instrument thus performs two light scattering experiments simultaneously. By cross-correlating the signals of the two experiments, we improve precision by eliminating multiple scattering that otherwise causes an undetectable error in all samples that are not substantially diluted! Only the Modulated 3D technology fully removes multiple scattering arising in concentrated samples, allowing measurements up to the highest concentrations guaranteeing the trustworthiness of the measurement.
Powerful analytical tools
We designed the software of the NanoLab 3D for both DLS experts as well as beginners without specific training. Anything from one simple, yet reliable measurement, to a complex series of multiple measurements can be performed within just a few clicks. Powerful analytical tools allow highly customizable data display and export while saving all results in a well-organized and comprehensive database. Analytical tools included are Cumulant and the LSI proprietary algorithm CORENN.
AI-powered algorithm
CORENN is a novel advanced machine learning algorithm to extract the particle size distribution (PSD) from a DLS measurement. CORENN is the only DLS inversion algorithm that leverages on advanced signal approximation techniques and a unique theoretical estimate of the signal noise to yield extremely reliable results, robust against experimental distortions, thus enabling the end-user to obtain the true PSD from real world DLS experiments. The figure on the left shows a DLS measurement of a particle mixture of 4 nm and 45 nm. Only CORENN is able to correctly determine the two populations.